The first step is deciding to sell. Start by knowing as much as you can and by choosing an experienced agent who knows your neighborhood very well. Everyone has their own reason for selling their home. One thing, however, is universally true: the desire to get as much as you can for your home. There are a lot of ways you can add value that you might want to consider, such as:
Renovating – this can be something as simple as freshening up the walls with a coat of paint or updating your door knobs and lighting with more contemporary styles all the way to major renovations like installing a new kitchen, bathroom or hardwood floors. Before you do anything though, it’s wise to know how much value a renovation will actually add to your sale price and how much other comparable homes in your neighborhood are selling for.
Now that you’re ready to sell, the next thing you should do is list your home with a real estate agent. Because the reality is, selling a home involves a great deal of research, paper work, effort and most importantly, trust. Ideally, you should seek out an agent that has a good knowledge of your neighborhood and local market trends. A good agent will provide a wealth of knowledge and breadth of services that will help you accomplish your goals. At Pioneer, we’re committed to helping you and our agents have a fiduciary duty to act in your best interests, to be completely transparent and accountable.
Your home is about to make its big debut on the market. And there’s more to it than sticking a sign on your lawn. Establishing a home’s true worth can be difficult.
Set a price – this isn’t as easy as you might think. Price your property too high and buyers won’t be motivated. Price it too low and you stand to lose thousands. A Pioneer agent can help by doing a complete property profile of your house, including current condition, location, surroundings, special features like a view from the property or high ceilings; a comparative market analysis that will show you what houses in your area have sold for in recent months, and a total market overview.
Market your home – no matter how well your home is priced you will need a plan to attract buyers. That’s where your Pioneer agent will offer invaluable experience. Aside from newspaper advertising and listing your home on the most popular and regularly visited websites, they will work with you to create a “features sheet” or video to make your home stand out from the pack. They will also market it through blogs, social media channels, various other websites and their own personal peer network.
Not all offers are created equal. Fortunately, your real estate agent is there to help you review an Offer to Purchase and discuss all the details. Here are a few things you should do:
Get to know the terms – the main factors on most offers will include the price the buyer wants to pay, details about the offer and financing as well as any conditions, inclusions or exclusions the buyer wants to make contingent on the closing. These offers can be “firm” which means that they’re willing to buy the home exactly as it is. Or, the offer could be “conditional” on things like a home inspection, approval of financing or the sale of their existing home
Multiple offers – you may be in the situation where you receive offers from several buyers. Now, you have the opportunity to compare and decide which offer, based on price and conditions best suits you. Things that could make one offer more attractive than the other are pre-approved financing, the buyer has already sold their existing home or they’ve agreed to all conditions of sale without exception.